Adding a Dataset

Our interface makes it easy to add your own dataset. Additionally, we provide a variety of preconfigured datasets that can be readily used in SmashConfig for calibration or evaluation.

If you’d like to contribute a new dataset to our supported list, follow these two quick steps. If anything is unclear or you want to discuss your contribution before opening a PR, please reach out on Discord anytime! If this is your first time contributing to pruna, please refer to the Setup guide for more information.

1. Define the Dataset Setup

First, create a setup method to prepare the training, validation, and test splits. This usually involves downloading or generating the dataset. For a text generation dataset, add the setup method in pruna/data/datasets/

from typing import Tuple
from datasets import Dataset
from import split_train_into_train_val_test
from datasets import load_dataset

def setup_new_dataset(seed: int) -> Tuple[Dataset, Dataset, Dataset]:
    Setup the new dataset.

    License: unspecified

    seed : int
        The seed to use.

    Tuple[Dataset, Dataset, Dataset]
        The dataset splits.
    # Download or generate the dataset, for example:
    train_ds = load_dataset("SamuelYang/bookcorpus")["train"]
    # If necessary, split into training, validation, and test sets using the provided seed
    train_ds, val_ds, test_ds = split_train_into_train_val_test(train_ds, seed=42)
    # Adjust column names if necessary
    return train_ds, val_ds, test_ds

Next, register the dataset in pruna/data/ by adding it to the base_datasets dictionary together with the matching collate function and any defaults (e.g. the default image size) you might want to set for the collate function:

# mock import, below code snippet will be added in base_datasets file itself
from import base_datasets
base_datasets["NewDataset"] = (setup_new_dataset, "text_generation_collate", {})

Ensure the dataset follows the expected format specified in the collate function. The collate function aggregates several samples into a batch and converts them to the expected format.

Now, users can add the dataset like this:

from pruna import SmashConfig

smash_config = SmashConfig()
# test if dataloader works as expected
for batch in smash_config.test_dataloader():

2. Add a Test

To verify that the dataset loads correctly, add it to tests/data/ by parameterizing test_dm_from_string

import pytest

pytest.param("NewDataset", dict(img_size=512), marks=pytest.mark.slow)

Include necessary arguments for the collate function and mark the test as slow if needed. We categorize a test as slow if it requires several minutes to download and prepare the dataset. This ensures it runs appropriately in CI, either on GitHub Actions or nightly tests.


That’s it! Your dataset is now available for everyone to use in Pruna. 💜